Axelerant will not tolerate retaliation of any sort for filing a harassment claim of harassment.
Sexual Harassment
If the harassment is sexual, the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) Policy is followed. The aggrieved person would be using the PoSH form for raising to raise the complaint. When in doubt, you can reach out to any member of the ICC team for a consultation.
After receiving the complaint, the People Operations Representative will contact the complainant for the first call to assess the situation and provide interim options to help the complainant feel safe and heard.
Interim measures could include any or all of the following:
Immediate paid leave of 2-5 days, considering the severity of the situation
The committee should assess separating the involved parties from current work efforts.
When the respondent is their direct manager, a skip-level manager will conduct any appraisals/performance reviews to ensure an unbiased review.
Review any proof shared by the complainant. E.g., photos, video media, screenshots, etc.
Reach out to witnesses mentioned by the complainant via email or other archivable means.
Setting up calls with the parties involved within ten days of receiving such a complaint.
When there is a failure the complainant or respondent fails to attend a hearing before the Safe Space Committee by the complainant or the respondent on 3 (three) consecutive known dates, the committee may terminate the investigation or provide an ex-parte decision with 15 (fifteen) days' notice.
The Safe Space Committee shall complete the inquiry process within 90 (ninety) days of receiving the complaint.
After an unbiased investigation, the executive team will decide, based on the Safe Space Committee's suggestion for the People Operations representative, to inform the respondent.
Being aware of how their behavior may affect others and changing it if necessary.
Treating their colleagues with dTake trust and respect.
Taking a stand if they think inappropriate jokes or comments are made to others.
Making it straightforward to others where they find their behavior unacceptable.
When possible, intervene to stop safe space concerns or bullying.
Reporting promptly to their manager or the Safe Space Committee any witnessed bullying or safe space concerns.
2- to 4-weeks unpaid suspension
Relevant Training & Guidance, paid for by Axelerant.
Formal apology towards inflicted parties
Warning letter
3-month work avoidance between relevant team members
Level 3
E.g., Major major infractions, including retaliation or recurring, within one year, and socially inappropriate behavior after a warning letter.