Do we still have the option to purchase a device ourselves and get it reimbursed?
Axelerant will ship a recommended corporate device to your address based on your role. With this change, we have moved away from team member-led device purchases.
What are the eligibility criteria for the years completed before anyone can opt for a second device?
If you need a second device after three years of service here, you can request one via the People Service Desk. With your career managers, we'll thoughtfully decide whether a second device is the best option.
Since I got my current device via the BYOD policy, paying 25% of the cost, does this mean that the device is no longer mine and that I would have to wait another two years for it to become mine?
The Corporate Device Policy applies to team members joining us from April 1, 2024. Those who have purchased a device per the BYOD policy can retain it as their own.
I require a monitor for my role. Can I get that as part of the Corporate Device Policy?
You can purchase additional gadgets under the Home Office Setup Allowance, bearing 15% of the cost of the device.
Can I use this laptop for other personal work?
We recommend using the laptop for office use only, but you can also use it for personal work.
Do I need to pay Axelerant any amount for the device if I separate within three years?
No, the revised policy applies to new devices issued after April 1, 2024. A new team member is issued a corporate device that will be retrieved in the case of team member-initiated separation within three years.
3.3 days of leave are credited for each month from April 2024 until the month of joining. Your leave balance will be reset in your joining month with 40 leaves for the following year.
You can carry forward a maximum of 10 days every year, but the total leave balance cannot exceed 50 days at any point.
Any unused leaves from April 1, 2024 till the joining month will be automatically carried forward up to a maximum of 10 days. Any extra days of leave lapse, unless the team member chooses to donate them to the kindness leave pool, making it available to all team members.
All permanent team members who have used up their consolidated leave balance are eligible for Kindness Leave.
You can apply for Kindness Leaves by filling out this form.
Kindness Leaves are provided to support you during challenging times, whether it's a medical emergency or any other unexpected situation requiring your attention.
The processing time for a Kindness Leave application involves filling out a Kindness Leave form, which is reviewed by the People Ops team. Once approved, team members can apply for Kindness Leave through the portal. This typically takes 3-4 working days.
Kindness Leaves are a unique pool created from team member contributions for emergencies or urgent situations. Consolidated Leaves are planned in advance for vacation, personal, or sick leave.
Kindness Leave is intended for personal emergencies, so we do not recommend combining it with consolidated leaves.
How do I apply for the Co-Working Allowance? Simply submit your co-working space expenses through Zoho expense portal.
What documents or information do I need to provide when applying for the Co-Working Allowance? Upload a copy of your rental agreement and any relevant receipts from your co-working space. We want to ensure your workspace arrangements are smoothly facilitated.
How long does it take to process a Co-Working Allowance application? When you submit your claims by the 12th of the month, we make sure they're processed swiftly between the 16th and 17th. If your submission comes after the 12th, we'll take care of it the following month. We organize it this way to ensure you get your reimbursements smoothly and on time.
Eligibility Criteria
Who is eligible for the Co-Working Allowance? This benefit is available to all team members who are looking for a professional workspace, enhancing your productivity and comfort.
What types of spaces are eligible for the Co-Working Allowance? We support rentals in commercial co-working spaces that uphold professional standards, ensuring you have a conducive work environment.
Can I rent a space if my location doesn’t have Co-working spaces? If you're in an area without commercial co-working spaces, let us know. We're here to help find suitable alternatives that support your work needs.
Switching Workspaces
Can I switch from a Co-Working space to a home-office setup mid-year? Yes! You're welcome to switch as your work needs evolve throughout the year, ensuring your workspace always suits your current situation.
Can I avail of the Co-Working Allowance and also buy a home office setup (furniture)? Yes, feel free to use your allowance for co-working spaces and supplement that with home office furniture to best suit your work style.
How often can I switch between a Co-Working space and a home-office setup? Switch as often as you need. We understand that your work preferences might change, and we encourage you to create the best setup for your productivity.
Using the Allowance
What is the maximum amount I can claim under the Co-Working Allowance? You can claim up to INR 12,000/USD 200 monthly, dedicated to supporting your choice of professional workspace.
How often can I claim the Co-Working Allowance? We encourage you to claim this allowance monthly to maintain a consistent and supportive work environment.
Are there any restrictions on how I use the Co-Working Allowance? The allowance is specifically for covering costs associated with professional co-working spaces, ensuring the environments you work in are optimal for professional activities.
How do I apply for the Continuing Education Allowance? To apply for the Continuing Education Allowance, simply submit your application through Zoho expense portal. It’s streamlined to help you get the support you need for your educational pursuits quickly and efficiently.
Do I need approval to claim the Continuing Education Allowance? Yes, if the amount exceeds INR 4000/USD 50, approval is needed to confirm that the courses or certifications you are pursuing align well with your professional development goals. Your career manager and L&D leadership will evaluate your request to ensure it supports your educational progress effectively.
What is the process for getting approval for the Continuing Education Allowance? To get approval for the Continuing Education Allowance, simply fill out the education sponsorship form and have it reviewed by your career manager. For courses, certifications, or training, our Learning and Development (L&D) leadership team will also need to approve the expense. We’re here to support your growth, so feel free to reach out if you have any questions during the process!
Who is eligible for the Continuing Education Allowance? All full-time employees are eligible for the Continuing Education Allowance. We're here to support your learning and growth!
What are the requirements for a course to be eligible for the Continuing Education Allowance? Courses should be related to your current role or career development. We want to help you enhance your professional skills and knowledge.
Can I use the Continuing Education Allowance for non-work-related courses? The allowance is designed to support courses that contribute to your professional development and career growth. We encourage you to choose courses that will benefit your career.
What types of courses or books are covered under the Continuing Education Allowance? We cover a wide range of courses and books that are relevant to your job and professional growth. If it helps you grow in your role, it’s likely covered!
Are recommended certifications a part of the 2% Continuing Education Allowance? Yes! Recommended certifications are included within your 2% Continuing Education Allowance.
How should I utilize the Continuing Education Allowance budget of 2% of my CTC? Axelerant is delighted to support your professional growth by covering 90% of expenses, up to a limit of 2% of your annual fixed salary, under this benefit.
Can I claim the reimbursement if I fail to clear the certification on the first attempt? Yes, you can file for a second attempt of certification. Axelerant would cover 50% of expenses, up to a limit of 2% of your annual fixed salary. For the third attempt onwards, we request that the team member cover all the expenses of their certification
How often can I use the Continuing Education Allowance? You can use the Continuing Education Allowance throughout the year, as long as you stay within the 2% budget of your CTC. We encourage you to take advantage of this benefit whenever you need it.
What is the reimbursement policy for certifications requested to be done by our Career/Reporting Manager for business requirements?
Certifications requested to be taken for business reasons are reimbursed at 100%, outside of your allocated CEA budget. Fill out the education sponsorship form and select the “Service Area Leadership” budget category.
Understand the processes for reimbursing business-related expenses. This section provides clear guidelines on what costs are covered, how to submit your claims, and ensures timely compensation for your expenditures.
How do I submit an expense reimbursement request?
For Indian folks, submit expense claims via Zoho expense
For team members outside India, submit expense claims via Xero
To submit an expense reimbursement request, log in to Zoho Expense portal, enter the necessary details, attach your receipts, and submit. If you need help, feel free to reach out!
What is the deadline for submitting expense claims? Please submit your expense claims within 30 days of incurring the expense to ensure timely processing. If you miss the deadline, contact the People Ops team as soon as possible.
Can I submit multiple expense claims at once? Yes, you can submit multiple expense claims at once. This can be more efficient for both you and the processing team.
What supporting documentation is required for expense reimbursement? You’ll need to provide receipts or invoices as proof of your expenditures. Please make sure they are clear and legible.
What information should be included on reimbursement bills? Reimbursement bills should include the date of the expense, the amount, a description of the item or service, and proof of payment. Attach a scanned copy or photo of your receipt to your expense claim in Zoho Expense. If you have any trouble, we’re here to help you through the process.
How long does it take to process an expense reimbursement request? When you submit your claims by the 12th of the month, we make sure they're processed swiftly between the 18th and 20th. If your submission comes after the 12th, we'll take care of it the following month. We organize it this way to ensure you get your reimbursements smoothly and on time.
What happens if my expense reimbursement request is rejected? If your request is rejected, we will provide you with a clear explanation and work with you to correct any issues so you can resubmit your claim.
Who do I contact if I have issues with my expense reimbursement? If you encounter any issues with your expense reimbursement, please contact People Operations team. We’re here to support you and ensure your expenses are handled smoothly.
When you have been with Axelerant for over one year, and based on Axelerant's cash flow and your situation, you can request interest-free financial assistance of up to 10% of your annual pay for a four-month period at People Operations discretion. Apply via People Service Desk
Loan repayments will be deducted from your salary monthly over a period of 4 months.
You may apply for multiple assistance requests, but approval depends on Axelerant's cash flow situation at that time. Our assistance is primarily for emergencies when you cannot secure support from financial institutions via personal loans and urgently need financial help.
Contact via People Service Desk or send an email at
Health and Wellness allowance is here to help you stay fit physically, mentally, and psychologically. You can buy a bicycle, enroll in yoga classes, use health-related digital apps and gadgets, or attend health camps. Fitness accessories are also covered.
Yes, it is! If an allowance is up to INR 18,000/USD 250 for the April to December fiscal year and you join in October, you'll receive up to half of the annual allowance, which is INR 9,000.
You can claim the Health and Wellness Allowance as per your needs, up to the total annual amount of INR 18,000/USD 250. This allowance is available for your use throughout the year, and you can utilize it according to your balance whenever needed.
You can claim up to INR 18,000 per fiscal year. Axelerant reimburses 75% of claimed expenses.
For example, if you spend up to INR 24,000 on eligible health and wellness expenses, Axelerant will cover 75% of that amount, up to a maximum of INR 18,000.
Let’s say I purchase an item for Health and Wellness for INR 18,000, out of which 75% will be reimbursed by Axelerant, amounting to INR 13,500. Can I make additional purchases for the remaining amount?
You will have INR 4,500 remaining as a Health and Wellness budget for other reimbursements.
The unused amounts from the allowances are not added to your salary at the end of the year. Most benefits lapse at the end of the year, but benefits like the Home Office Setup Allowance can be carried over and claimed later. We encourage you to make the most of your allowances!
To claim the Health and Wellness Allowance, you'll need to provide documentation such as receipts, gym membership invoices, or any other relevant proof of expenses related to health and wellness activities.
In case of emergencies (e.g., on the way to the hospital), reach out to the Plum team at 08047170505 to answer all your insurance-related questions.
Note: This is a hotline number and should be used only in case of emergencies.
If your Health Insurance card is incorrect or contains errors, please raise a People Desk ticket for this.
Yes, you can request a physical Health Insurance card upon request. However, Plum provides a digital health card which you can find by signing in to Plum website, using your Axelerant email ID.
Since we offer corporate group insurance plans, we do not have provisions for switching to individualized health insurance plans.
Yes, you will receive two top-ups of the Allowance (one after three years and another after six years). Neither the first-year benefit nor the additional amount of INR 15000 after three years will lapse.
Yes, the applicant will be eligible for an allowance of INR 45000 plus an additional INR 15000, as this allowance does not lapse if unused.
You will be eligible for INR 15000/- starting April 1, 2024, and INR 15000/- every three years.
To refer someone for a job at Axelerant, send their resume to the Slack #job referrals channel, stating the position you are referring them for.
Once the referral is confirmed in the channel by a recruitment team member, request the person to apply for the position through our careers page.
Once your referral is considered a probable fit for a vacancy at Axelerant, a recruitment team member will confirm the same on the Slack #job referrals channel.
If your referred team member leaves the company before completing 100 days, you will not be eligible to receive the referral bonus.
You can reach out to or create a ticket stating the issue.
You will receive the referral bonus along with your salary after the team member has completed 100 days in the system.
I’m unable to log in to 1Password/I forgot my password and cannot reset the password.
If you cannot log in, please email or create a ticket stating the issue with a screenshot and ask the team to reset your 1Password account. You will receive a link via email to log in once the People Operations team completes the password recovery.
I’ve added my Bank details to Zoho People, but my Zoho Payroll account is inactive.
It takes approximately 24 hours for Zoho Payroll to be activated after the Bank details are added to Zoho People. Please ensure that all required details, such as Date of Birth, PAN, Aadhar number, etc are added to Zoho People to avoid delays in activation due to missing information.
You can wait till Day 3 of your joining to check out your Zoho payroll account, and if you don’t have access even then, please email or create a ticket here.
FAQs related to Tax exemptions (IT declaration and Proof of Investment submissions)