Refer to the Tax Benefits page for the information on the required documents to be submitted as proof of your investments.
House Rent Allowance (HRA)
Can I claim HRA without a rent receipt?
Yes, if your HRA is up to INR 3,000/- per month, you can claim HRA without rent receipts. But, you can not claim HRA without rent receipts when your HRA exceeds INR 3,000/-.
When is the landlord pan mandatory for HRA exemption?
In case of rent payment per annum is more than Rs 1,00,000 i.e. more than Rs. 8333 per month, the employee needs to provide the PAN number to the employer mandatorily.
Can I claim HRA and a home loan?
Yes, you can claim HRA tax exemption and home loan tax deduction as well if you meet certain conditions.
1. You have availed a house on loan and you reside at a rented accommodation in another city.
2. You have availed a house on loan and you reside in the same city in a rented accommodation due to work or children’s schooling.
3. You have availed a home loan to buy an under construction apartment/house and you live on rent elsewhere.
How do I generate rental receipts?
One you can buy a recepit books from a stationery or use the link to generate one