Coaching Webinar

Coaching Webinar


The Coaching webinar is scheduled for the 4th Wednesday of every month at 5 pm. The Zoom link for the call is here.

The Purpose of the Webinar 

  • To build awareness around behavioral competencies 

  • To kindle curiosity for deeper insights and connections

  • To explore a new way of thinking and exploring the world

  • To start talking the heart language is required for empathy and listening and many other spaces in personal and professional spaces.

Format of the Webinar

We, the coaching team, will plan one hour once a month. Some topics can extend for 2-3 months.

Idea: Every quarter, we can do a Personal Triumph Program - interview style for 1-2 folks in a session.

So, a typical calendar year will have 8 webinars and 4 PTPs most likely. There is also a possibility of taking a break towards Christmas and New Year.

Week 1

Choose the presenter and the topic. Align the topic to Axelerant’s behavioral competencies as per this sheet:

When the training modules are ready, we can plan and choose topics that will become a teaser for the complete training and deep dive into the topic.

A link that could help us in our storyline for our presentations in a webinar:

The backup 

The presenter identifies a backup person (from the coaching team) as well in case something comes up for the primary presenter. In case an emergency comes up for the primary presenter, one of the coaches from the team would present a topic of choice. The library is below.

A request for the primary presenter to give a heads up 24 hours ahead of time since they have a hunch that they would be unavailable to do the webinar.

Library of topics needed here for backup:

Psychological Safety
Emotional Intelligence
Radical Candor
Giving Feedback
Receiving Feedback
Johari window
Communication skills
Presentation skills
The Art of Storytelling

Decision making

******* A request to the coaching team to add topics as well as those of us who can deliver a topic against short notice******

Additional responsibilities of the backup person:

  1. Monitor the chat window and bring the needed questions to the presenter

  2. Launch the poll at the very end of the webinar. 

This video can help you with creating poll questions.

  1. Remind the speaker to record the webinar

Week 2 

The presenter starts the preparation for the webinar. Some things to keep in mind:

  • One activity/ Video/ Story or a combination of all that engages the audience (related to the topic) - 10 mins. Video: Powerful video even without sound works.

  • One or two Axl folk(s) sharing related to the webinar topic. Prepared in advance with guests - 10 mins.

  • Three clear takeaways for the audience in terms of mental/ physical actions they can take in 5 minutes.

  • Maximum 5 slides for the content - 30 mins delivery time.

  • Key aspects to keep in mind: Interactivity, humor, and clear takeaways. Steer clear of advice.

Important note: We typically have three learning modalities in the world- Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic. Our Webinar needs to cater to all the folks.

Here is a link that could help us understand this better.

Tips for creating an impactful presentation.

Week 3

The marketing team comes in with a set of questions to understand more about the upcoming webinar. This will be answered by the presenter. Our SPOC from the marketing team is Ananya Shekar. All communication with the marketing team happens on the channel # ops-coaching-webinars-promotion

  • Who’s hosting?

  • What’s the official title of this webinar?

  • What is this webinar about?

  • Do people need to come prepared with something? (Send pre-webinar materials or resources)

  • What takeaways/learnings can people expect from this?

  • Any notes/insights you’d like to add?

Week 3 | Message goes from the Marketing team on Wednesday

  • Announcement Message comes from the marketing team for review and editing with the presenter.

  • The finalized message is shared in #general and #knowledge-sharing.

  • The presenter presents an overview of the webinar to the person heading the webinar pillar at Axelerant this week. Right now, it is Nanditha Krishnan. The presenter incorporates the suggestions given and gets ready for the webinar in the coming week.

  • Week 3 also has an email going out to the Axelerant Alumni on the Thursday/Friday of the week. Our SPOC from the marketing team is Rohit Ganguly.

Week 4

The Marketing team sends reminder messages with Zoom links on the same channels as before.

The first reminder goes out on Monday (two days before the webinar) and the second reminder on Wednesday (5 minutes before the webinar begins).



Pre-webinar details: 


Technical requirements for the presenter

  • The presenter checks their laptop, microphone, background, lighting, camera and internet connection to ensure they are in working order.

  • Test the video links if any.

  • Keep a copy of the PPT on your desktop in case of any challenges with Google Drive.

  • Have a backup plan in case of technical challenges

During the webinar

  • Everyone logs into the Zoom link provided in the invite and the channel.

  • Start on time and stick to the schedule.

  • The presenter welcomes the attendees and introduces the topic.

  • Run time: 30-40 minutes.

  • Leave time for Q&A and the poll at the end of the webinar.


  • The presenter shares relevant material with the audience.

  • The recording of the webinar gets uploaded by the Marketing team within 48 hours of completion of the webinar.

  • Based on the feedback and data, improvements for future webinars can be planned.