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How do you include the actual testimonials for the widget (Axelerant WordPress Plugin Knowledge Base)
What’s NNN of .testimonials-widget-testimonialsNNN (Axelerant WordPress Plugin Knowledge Base)
How do I remove the cite or credit block (Axelerant WordPress Plugin Knowledge Base)
Why are comments still showing up on the testimonials single view page (Axelerant WordPress Plugin Knowledge Base)
My testimonials list paging does not work (Axelerant WordPress Plugin Knowledge Base)
How do I create a testimonial record (Axelerant WordPress Plugin Knowledge Base)
My testimonials URL says 404 - Page not found (Axelerant WordPress Plugin Knowledge Base)
How do I add the date to the cite (Axelerant WordPress Plugin Knowledge Base)
How do I customize my testimonial single output (Axelerant WordPress Plugin Knowledge Base)
How do I customize my testimonials single layout (Axelerant WordPress Plugin Knowledge Base)