How can I style the shortcode testimonials

How can I style the shortcode testimonials

See How is a testimonial list formatted with CSS? and How is an active testimonial widget formatted with CSS? for more specific HTML layout and CSS presentation information.

Each shortcode testimonial is wrapped by a div using classestestimonials-widget-testimonial list. As such, to increase spacing between testimonials, try…

.testimonials-widget-testimonial list {
    padding-bottom: 1em;

Making the citation line a different color is a little trickier. The reason being is that applying a color to .testimonials-widget-testimonial cite will change the entire citation line in the widget display as well. To only change the shortcode testimonial citation color, try…

.testimonials-widget-testimonial list cite {
    color: blue;

If you’re wanting to change only the company or URL color, then try.

.testimonials-widget-testimonial list cite .company {
    color: purple;

Like wise, the source uses class source.

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