Problem-Solving - Enthusiasm


Innovation refers to creating or developing new ideas, methods, products, or services that are novel and useful. It involves creatively combining existing knowledge, skills, and technologies to address a particular problem or challenge. Successful innovation often requires a willingness to take risks, experiment with new approaches, and embrace failure as a natural part of the process.

Critical thinking

Critical thinking is analyzing and evaluating information and ideas logically and systematically to form well-reasoned judgments and conclusions. It involves using skills such as observation, interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, explanation, and self-reflection to identify the strengths and weaknesses of arguments and evidence and to assess their relevance and reliability. Critical thinking requires an open-minded and skeptical attitude, a willingness to consider alternative perspectives and evidence, and a commitment to intellectual honesty and rigor. It is essential for making informed decisions, solving problems, and engaging in reasoned discourse in personal and professional contexts.


Research skills are essential for team members as they often need to solve complex problems and develop new technologies, products, or systems. Some research skills that are particularly important for team members include:

  1. Information gathering: team members need to be able to gather information from a wide range of sources, including scientific journals, technical manuals, and industry publications. They should be able to use online databases and search engines to find relevant information quickly and efficiently.

  2. Data analysis: team members must be able to analyze and interpret complex data, such as experimental results or performance metrics, to draw meaningful conclusions and make informed decisions. They should be proficient in statistical analysis and data visualization tools.

  3. Experimental design: team members often conduct experiments to test hypotheses or validate designs. They should be able to design and execute experiments, collect and analyze data, and draw conclusions from the results.

  4. Problem-solving: team members need to be able to identify problems, analyze their root causes, and develop practical solutions. They should be able to use critical thinking and creativity to generate new ideas and approaches.

  5. Technical writing: team members must communicate their ideas, designs, and results clearly and effectively through technical reports, presentations, and other documents. They should be proficient in technical writing and documentation tools.

  6. Collaboration: team members often work in teams and must collaborate effectively with colleagues from different backgrounds and disciplines. They should be able to communicate clearly and respectfully, listen actively, and contribute to group decision-making processes.


Curiosity at work refers to a natural inclination to seek new information, experiences, and opportunities to learn and grow professionally. It involves a desire to understand the underlying reasons for things, ask questions, and challenge assumptions.

Examples of curiosity at work include:

  1. Asking questions to gain a deeper understanding of a problem or issue.

  2. Seeking out opportunities for professional development and growth.

  3. Exploring new technologies or processes to improve performance and efficiency.

  4. Seeking feedback from colleagues, mentors, or supervisors to enhance skills and performance.

  5. Experimenting with new approaches to solve problems or achieve goals.

  6. Engaging in cross-functional collaborations to gain new perspectives and insights.

Curiosity at work can lead to innovation, creativity, and continuous improvement. It can help individuals stay relevant in a rapidly changing work environment, leading to new career growth and advancement opportunities.

Move forward objectively

Moving forward objectively at work refers to making decisions and taking actions based on facts, evidence, and analysis rather than personal biases or subjective opinions. It involves considering multiple perspectives, evaluating information critically, and making decisions based on sound reasoning and objective criteria.

Examples of moving forward objectively at work include:

  1. Evaluating job candidates based on their qualifications, experience, and skills rather than personal preferences or biases.

  2. Making decisions based on data and analysis rather than personal opinions or assumptions.

  3. Conducting performance evaluations based on objective criteria, such as job responsibilities, performance goals, and key performance indicators (KPIs).

  4. Resolving conflicts or disputes through objective mediation and negotiation rather than taking sides or favoring specific individuals.

  5. Identifying and addressing organizational problems through systematic problem-solving techniques, such as root cause analysis and process improvement.

Moving forward objectively at work can help to ensure fairness, consistency, and transparency in decision-making, and it can help to avoid potential biases or errors that may arise from subjective opinions or emotions. It requires a commitment to evidence-based reasoning, critical thinking, and the willingness to consider alternative perspectives and solutions.