How do I change Testimonials Widget text labels

How do I change Testimonials Widget text labels

The Template Way

See How to change testimonials layout.

The Localization Way

  1. The default WPLANG is en_US.
    • Use en_US.mo and en_US.po as the filenames of your localization changes if you’re sticking with US English.
    • de_DE – German
    • en_UK – UK English
    • es_ES – Spanish
    • fr_FR – French
    • ja_JP.EUC-JP.mo – Japanese in EUC-JP encoding
    • zh-TW – Traditional Chinese
    • zh_CN – Simplified Chinese
  2. Create localized YOUR_WPLANG.mo and YOUR_WPLANG.po files fromlanguages/testimonials-widget.pot.
    • See Translation Tools of Translating WordPress for help.
    • Ensure that YOUR_WPLANG.mo and YOUR_WPLANG.po files contain the correctLanguage: tag like Language: es_ES and "Language: es_ES\n"respectively.
    • Example: See screenshot 21. “Poedit Catalog properties”
  3. Create a directory named languages inside of wp-content.
  4. Put your YOUR_WPLANG.mo and YOUR_WPLANG.po files into your wp-content/languages directory.
  5. Set WPLANG in wp-config.php to your chosen language.

Sometimes the above doesn’t work, so…

  1. Create localized testimonials-widget-YOUR_WPLANG.mo and testimonials-widget-YOUR_WPLANG.po files from languages/testimonials-widget.pot.
  2. Put your localized testimonials-widget-YOUR_WPLANG.mo andtestimonials-widget-YOUR_WPLANG.po files into directory wp-content/plugins/testimonials-widget/languages/.
  3. Set WPLANG in wp-config.php to your chosen language.

When done translating, please send your translation for inclusion with the Testimonials Widget plugin release.

The JavaScript Way

An example for testimonials forms

<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
	jQuery(document).ready(function() {
		jQuery("#post_title").attr('placeholder', '"Mary" or "Nurse on pediatric floor"');
		jQuery(".button-primary").prop('value', 'Thank a Nurse');
// ]]></script>


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