Axelerant WordPress Plugin Knowledge Base
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Axelerant WordPress Plugins Support
Google Plus or social sharing uses Testimonial Widget text instead of post title/info
How can I add the testimonials plugin to any where on the site? ie. somewhere other than the side bar like the contact page etc?
How can I justify testimonials text
How can I style the shortcode testimonials
How do I add custom fields to my bulk/quick edit page
How do I add testimonial excerpt to single view
How do I add the date to the cite
How do I apply custom CSS to a specific testimonial widget
How do I change form labels and options
How do I change my widget's rotation speed or other options
How do I change Testimonials Widget text labels
How do I change the form heading
How do I change the Gravatar size
How do I change the join “, ” text
How do I change the more content ellipsis
How do I change the testimonials archive or single view URL
How do I change the ‘Complete testimonial by ‘ link title text
How do I change the ‘Next testimonial…’ text
How do I change the ‘… Read more’ text
How do I configure Next and Previous page indicators
How do I create a next link
How do I create a testimonial record
How do I customize my testimonial single output
How do I customize my testimonial list and widget output
How do I customize my testimonials archive layout
How do I customize my testimonials single layout
How do I customize the testimonials title links list
How do I disable caching
How do I download older versions of Testimonials Widget
How do I disable the stylesheet
How do I enable shortcodes in testimonial content
How do I exclude testimonial categories from Category widget
How do I exclude testimonial categories from my sitemap
How do I export testimonials
How do I filter the testimonials data before display processing
How do I fix "Fatal error: Call to undefined function _truncate_post_slug"?
How do I force read more links
How do I hide the comma after the source
How do I hide the “No testimonials found” text?
How do I import into Testimonials Widget
How do I import testimonials from a WordPress export
How do I include testimonies in my category or archive view
After updating, my images are stacked
How do I make my widget height consistent and not overlapping
How do I override the JavaScript fadeIn()
How do I prevent testimonials in my footer from changing the page height
Why should I purchase the Testimonials Premium
`[testimonialswidgetpremium_link_list]` paging only works on pages…
Do testimonials have there own URL
Can I change how quickly the testimonials change
Axelerant Framework Out of Date
Does this plug in use admin-ajax.php to refresh
Error: The plugin does not have a valid header
Follow How do I change the image size
Example to set widget gradient background color
Follow How do I get page numbers for pagination
How do I put the title or location on a separate line
How do I remove the cite or credit block
How do I scroll my widget based testimonial content
How do I show the expert and hide the image in the testimonial single view
How do I style about page testimonials while leaving other testimonials alone or vice versa
How do I style the custom widget text
How do I style the single view excerpt
How do I style the “Next testimonial…” text block
How do I use a single-site license with development and production servers
How do I use filter `testimonials_widget_defaults`
How do I use filter `testimonials_widget_get_testimonial_html`?
How do I use the theme functions like `testimonials_count()`?
How do you add additional custom meta fields
How do you clear old `testimonialswidget` transients from `wp_options`
How do you configure options
How do you display 2 testimonials in one widget
How do you include the actual testimonials for the widget
How do you fix “Fatal error: undefined method” on premium plugin
How do you enable shortcodes in widgets
How do you remove the donate button from Testimonials Premium
How do you identify the right URL
How do you order testimonials by given IDs
How do you remove submenu pages
How do you show multiple testimonials in rotation
How do you specify testimonials per page or section
How do you style alternating background colors
How do you use categories with Testimonials list shortcodes
How do you use filter eddsr_set_edd_payment_statuses_users
How do you use the filter 'eddsr_get_email_to'?
How is a testimonial list formatted with CSS
How is an active testimonial widget formatted with CSS
How to adjust the widget margin or padding in the sidebar
How to change testimonials layout
How to change the random quote text color
How to Debug and Correct CSS Issues in Your Browser
How to Debug common issues
How to get rid of the quotation marks that surround the random quote
How to replace or update plugins manually
How do I put company details on a separate line
Major Changes Since 2.10.0
I upgraded and my quotes went funky
Is there a way to reorder testimonials
I’m not seeing any testimonials but the title
How do I use the theme functions `testimonials()` and `testimonials_slider()`
maximum_length= value means "no testimonials found"
Most Axelerant Plugins Require PHP 5.3 +
My download link expired. What do I do
My options don't work, no matter what I do
My testimonials list paging does not work
My testimonials list paging doesn’t work
My testimonials URL says 404 - Page not found
My theme already has a [testimonials] shortcode
Only 2 of many testimonials are showing
Recovery emails aren't being sent
Testimonials are repeating when they should be unique
Testimonials Widget 3.0 and Testimonials Widget Premium 2.0 Upgrade Notice
Testimonials widget is not rotating
Testimonial form entries not showing up in list or rotations
Troubleshooting articles
What CSS applies to single testimonial container
What CSS applies to testimonials container
What plugins potentially conflict with Testimonials Widget
What's the difference between testimonials archive and a testimonials listing page
What's the shortcodes
What’s NNN of .testimonials-widget-testimonialsNNN
What’s one way to programmatically query testimonials on a page without using shortcodes or widgets
What’s the testimonial single view URL
What’s the testimonials archive view URL
Where can I find working samples
Where does my license key go
Where are the examples of using Testimonial shortcodes
Where's the CAPTCHA
Why are comments still showing up on the testimonials single view page
Why are my testimonials not displaying or looking weird after updating
Why do I get “No testimonials found” when using category and tags
Why does my rotating widget show all testimonials than only one at a time
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Axelerant WordPress Plugin Knowledge Base
Does this plug in use admin-ajax.php to refresh
Does this plug in use admin-ajax.php to refresh
Saurabh Dixit
Owned by
Saurabh Dixit
Jan 05, 2017
Loading data...
No, it doesn’t call `admin-ajax.php` at all.
, multiple selections available,
{"serverDuration": 36, "requestCorrelationId": "b6b6752318574208a4fe90aab6118fe7"}