Social Media Usage
Your social media accounts are your own to express your opinions. However, everything you post online can affect the public image of Axelerant, and we kindly ask you to be mindful of that impact.
Use careful judgment when using a personal account to represent the Axelerant brand. When you post something on social media specifically about Axelerant, consider whether we would share the same on Axelerant's official social media accounts.
For clarity, just as Axelerant doesn't tolerate racist, sexist, or demeaning behavior, we will not tolerate it on your personal social media accounts, as doing so is a breach of professional ethics. Your publishing such materials may lead to your being released from Axelerant.
Axelerant's Social Media Guidelines
Don't provide confidential or other proprietary information. When you have any questions, err on the side of keeping silent.
Do identify yourself by name and, when relevant, your role when discussing your company or matters relating to it.
Don't write in the first person plural (e.g., we, us, our). Make it clear you speak for yourself and not on behalf of your firm.
Do be mindful that whatever you publish will be public for a long time, possibly for your entire career.
Don't violate copyright, fair use, or financial disclosure laws. When you quote somebody, link back to the source when possible.
Do ensure that your online profiles and related content are consistent with how you wish to present yourself to colleagues and clients.
Don't assume that anonymous posting will keep your identity secret when publishing inappropriate comments and content.
Do take personal responsibility for the content you publish on blogs, wikis, or other public venues.
Don't forget that you represent the Axelerant brand, and what you publish will reflect that.
Do your best to add value by providing worthwhile information and perspective rather than mere opinion and bluster.
Don't cite or refer to Axelerant's clients, partners, or suppliers without their approval. Doing so could cause legal trouble for Axelerant. Check Confidential Information.
Do show proper consideration for others' privacy and for sensitivities that may exist concerning politics and religion.
Don't use ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscenity or engage in unacceptable online conduct at work.
Don't use Axelerant's social media channels for personal interactions.