Handbook Contributions

Handbook Contributions

Got an itch because our documentation is lacking? Fantastic, please help make it better.

Please guide your contributions by intent and the desired outcome versus detailing a process that will not happen. That means keeping things simple and letting the best interest of Axelerant be the way.

Make a DRAFT

To make changes to guidelines in https://axelerant.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AH or Open Axelerant - Sharing our why, what, and how, create a copy target page into https://axelerant.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AH/pages/3034480778, excluding child pages.

Note: Check the revisions page to ensure we're not making a second draft: one draft, one live.

Use More actions to Copy a Confluence page.
Locate the page in the DRAFTS section of the Axelerant Handbook.
Do NOT include child pages.

Rename the page with a DRAFT suffix in the page title, like Benefits DRAFT, and click Publish.

Note: Do not make your content edits yet because your first save reflects the live page, which makes future change comparisons much more manageable.

Append DRAFT to the page title and Publish to save the page.
Click the last updated entry to view page changes
Comparing page versions

Alternatively, edit the page in Google Docs and create a DRAFT when ready for review.

DRAFT Edit Notifications


By default, DRAFTs mean open for feedback. Yet, there are times when the draft is rapidly evolving, and comments should be held off. As such, prepend the page title with IGNORE.

Demonstrating IGNORE

Request a DRAFT Review

When the DRAFT page is good enough, submit to https://axelerant.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/9/group/30 review and publish request per Handbook Reviews.

Publishing a DRAFT

There are two types of publishing: new page and content replacement.

  1. For an entirely new page, publishing the draft is as easy as removing DRAFT from the page title, saving the page via Publish, and then moving the page to the appropriate location.

  2. For replacing existing page content, like Being Axelerant, replace the live page content with the approved DRAFT page. Then, check and fix any quirks before saving the page via Publish. Afterward, Delete the DRAFT page.

Visit Create public content in Open Axelerant for an example of moving pages and content.

Page No Longer Fits - Archiving or Deleting Content

  • When live content is no longer valuable to Axelerant, prepend the title with zzz and Archive.

  • When a draft page is no longer valuable to Axelerant, Delete it.

Archive or Delete a Confluence page

DRAFTs in Progress

The DRAFT pages below are not publicly accessible via Open Axelerant - Sharing our why, what, and how, yet are shared to give insight into what we're bringing forward or clarifying at Axelerant.

Handbooks at Axelerant

We have the below handbooks at Axelerant.

  1. The Axelerant Handbook (private) applies to everyone at Axelerant.

  2. The Open Axelerant (public) applies to everyone at Axelerant.

  3. The Engineering Handbook (open) applies to engineers at Axelerant.

  4. The Delivery Handbook (in the Delivery section of Axelerant Handbook) applies to one or more Program(s) and projects and talks about how we deliver at Axelerant.

  5. The Engagement Handbook (private) is specific to the project/engagement.

Content placement

Please choose the correct handbook to place our content based on the flowchart below.

It is important to reiterate that the decision will involve discrete judgment and, possibly, discussion. Use the flowchart as a reference, but in the end, apply your judgment. We are flexible in changing our stance wherever it makes sense.

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