Loom - Cam/Screen Recordings
Loom - Cam/Screen Recordings
Record quick videos of your screen and cam. An essential tool for hybrid workplaces.
Free screen recorder for Mac and PC | Loom
Your Loom library, after signing up.
User Management
Deactivate a User
Search in Loom for user emails. Click on their informational bar, which says Active.
Click the following two Deactivate buttons.
Repeat for the remaining exited team members.
Sync Users
Visit https://www.loom.com/settings/workspace#members to download a CSV of Loom users.
Import the data to replace the Loom Members - Axelerant Workspace sheet.
Shift to the Loom Accounts to see who should be activated.
Search in Loom for user emails of column E above. Click on their informational bar, which says Active.