Intimation mail to Respondent

Intimation mail to Respondent

To be sent to respondent from posh.icc@axelerant.com email ID.


Subject: PoSH complaint against <respondent name > | Complainant: <name>

This letter is to inform you that we have received a written complaint under Axelerant's Prevention of Sexual Harassment (PoSH) Policy.

We understand this might put you in a difficult and unpleasant position. We are now bringing to your notice the details of the complaint we have received and, more importantly, to hear you out. We've also attached a copy of our PoSH policy to help you understand the process that will be followed by the ICC.

We will maintain the utmost confidentiality throughout the process. However, we would notify your Service Area Director and the CXO team about the nature of the complaint (we will not share the incident details with anyone outside the ICC). Kindly do not reach out to the Complainant until a conclusion has been reached.

Please respond to this email by <Day, Date > end of the day, with a preferred date & time to schedule a call with the ICC members. Please note that we should prepare the call with ICC members at a convenient time/date but not later than <Day, Date > 

I have attached the detailed complaint and screenshots of conversations provided by the Complainant in their formal complaint. Kindly go through the complaint details before we schedule our first call. 

Some important points to consider while attending the call with ICC:


Internal Complaints Committee

Axelerant Technologies Pvt. Ltd.