Alumni Rehiring

Alumni Rehiring

An Axelerant Alumni, who resigned voluntarily, can reapply to work with us once the cooling-off period of 6 months is completed for them. Axelerant will not rehire alumni whose resignation was other than voluntary.

Rehiring process:

When an Alumni expresses interest or reapplies for a role, the Recruitment Team will connect with them to discuss the following:

  • the role they are interested in, 

  • why they want to rejoin, 

  • what is their salary expectation, and

  • from when they can be available.


When the recruitment team SPOC gets clarity on the above, they will create a private discussion slack channel for the member #rehiring-<person_name>-<surname>. The following folks need to be added to the channel:

  • People Operations Manager

  • Their last reporting/career manager

    • The last reporting/career manager can add other relevant members to the group only if it is pertinent. 

  • Their performance coach 

If the recruitment team SPOC does not have clarity about the above, they can ask the People Operations team’s assistance in providing the details.

Following the addition of the relevant stakeholders to the channel, the recruitment SPOC will share the information they have gathered and share it in the channel. They will also request People Operations Manager to confirm the reason for leaving Axelerant previously.

Once the above information is added, the recruitment team SPOC will request the different stakeholders to share feedback and their experience working with the said member.

If positive feedback is received, we can discuss if we need to follow the same recruitment process or if it has to be altered. Once confirmed, we should proceed with the agreed steps. When we create the #po-recruit channel, we will send an appreciation message to everyone who assisted with the process and archive the channel because the rest of the conversation will take place in the new channel.

If it is decided not to proceed with the rehiring, we will notify the member and also close the channel with appreciation.

Salary considerations when hiring Alumni:

When the interview process is complete and the hiring team is considering a pay raise during rehiring, we must take into account:

  • What was their salary when they left and in what role?

  • What job have they currently applied for?

  • Is the salary expectation request reasonable given their experience?

  • If providing a substantial hike, discuss if it can affect the current team.